Your Headshot has 1/10th of a Second to Send a Message.

Make Sure It’s Sending The Right One…

What To Expect On Shooting Day

Hi!  I’m   Nicole

I make jaw dropping headshots while you have a blast. Hate having your photo taken? Never like the results because it doesn't look like you? My process is specifically designed to make you feel relaxed and at ease while we find exactly how you photograph the best. I've got you buddy! 


  • Arrive at My Studio

    Arrive at the studio with a bunch of your favourite outfits. We will sit down and chat about your brand and what kind of message you want to send to prospective clients.

    We will shoot a bunch of different outfits, positions, background colours and expressions. Once you arrive, your job is done! You are my clay and I give you promps to mold your face into dynamic images for us to consider. I call myself an expression coach. You will be amazed at the variety of expressions I can get your face to produce!

  • Review Together in Real Time

    My camera is tethered to a computer so we see your images pop up on my computer screen in real time. We see what's working the best for your face and branding message. This process is a game changer for headshot photoshoots. We learn exactly the way you photograph the best and then we hammer it out until we have a jaw dropping headshot you are thrilled with.

  • Put your Feet Up

    At the end of the shoot we sit down together with a tasty beverage and review all the images. We delete the images you don't like and keep the winners for you to pick from. Choose 1 headshot or choose 20. The choice is yours. Only pay for the shots you want. 

    *session fee is $225 per person

    *images are $125 each

Just Be You

*Bring all your energy, happy vibes and charisma. Our photos shine when WE shine! 

*Try not to feel stressed or anxious. My studio is a super relaxed environment and I make this stuff fun. By the time you leave we will be wishing we had a glass of wine! 

How to prepare

Hair and Makeup

*You always get out what you put in. For women, I recommend hiring an MUA that is an expert at hair and makeup for photography.  I refer clients to  Jenny McKinney (250-718-3180) from Kelowna. She is extraordinary, and knows the exact way to craft makeup for photography.

*If you are opting to do your own makeup invest in a high end foundation and apply it LIGHTLY. It makes a big difference!  

*Men, feel free to grow a bit of facial hair and bring your clippers to change your look up mid shoot!

*Lastly, Floss your teeth and avoid alcohol for a couple days before your shoot.


*Bring a few outfits for us to choose from.

*If you are part of corporate Canada always bring a well fitting blazer. 

*Avoid baggy, ill fitting items. And avoid puffy sleeves and big shoulder pads.

*Stay away from busy prints like plaid or florals as they take attention away from your face.

*I recommend no jewlery or very small pieces that won't take attention away from your eyes. 

*Always dress for the career you want rather than the one you have. 

*If you wear eyeglasses bring as many pairs as you have. Some glasses photograph better than others.

*feel free to bring hats, or any other props you think would be good! 

we've-got-this! see-you-soon.

we've-got-this! see-you-soon.

*I respectfully acknowledge my studio is on the unceded territory of the Sylix/Okanagan People. 

*My studio is an LGBTQ, all ethnicity and nations inclusive space. You are valued, respected, and celebrated. Period.